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Spider Control

Herbal Spider Control in Mumbai

Don't expect perfection in spider control. Chemicals are not very effective against spiders, nor do the spiders readily pick up pesticides. So just spraying is not a great defense against spiders. With their long longs, spiders keep their bellies well above the ground, so sprayed insecticide residue on a surface will only touch their feet. But they don't have a circulatory system that will carry the insecticide from the bottoms of their feet to the organs in their bodies that would cause them to die.

So - you really have to make contact with the insect through a direct spray, a newspaper, a shoe, or whatever is your weapon of choice. Spiders are arachnids, not actually insects. True insects (such as ants, roaches and wasps), use their mouths to groom themselves, so they end up eating insecticide that gets on their feet, legs, and bodies. But spiders don't routinely use their mouth parts to clean themselves. They will clean their leg if there is a large particle stuck to it, but it's not a habit that will guarantee pesticide will kill them. In addition, most spiders spend their entire lives sitting in webs (a non-treated surface). So, spider control needs to be a "contact kill."

There is one exception to #2: If you use a pesticide spray on the surface of a crack that a spider goes in and out of, (such as between a baseboard and the carpet, or a piece of wood trim around a window), the spider's body will likely contact the spray and the pesticide could be effective.

The best way to control running and jumping spiders at home is to control their food sources around the house. Spiders eat other insects, so reducing the other insects around your home will reduce their food sources, and spiders will be less interested in hanging around. Most spiders like to hang out near light sources, which helps them capture flying insects that are attracted to light. A web-spinning spider worth his salt will let his meals come to him; hunting spiders are more athletic -- they really do run down their prey. A subcategory of hunting spiders is jumping spiders. If you've seen one of those, you recognize it. They have more of a pouncing behavior to capture their prey. The spiders with short, stubby legs are almost all of the jumping variety. The spiders with long - but not delicate - legs are the running spiders. These include wolf spiders and brown recluse. You won't find those spiders spinning a web.

So - to get rid of spiders, get rid of your other bugs. Crack and crevice treatment with insecticides provide some control, but you can also use glue boards or sticky traps. These are non-pesticide capture mechanisms. Some can be folded into a box shape so that unintended items won't get stuck to them. There are really no attractants in most of these glue traps. Some companies try to add a scent, but the most attractive thing for a spider is seeing a bug stuck in the glue trap. Pest control professionals often see glue traps with a bug in the glue -- and a spider stuck right on top of it.

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